Internship w/ SR Research

1 minute read


Over this past summer, I was hired by SR Research as part of my NSERC CD-CREATE funding for a four-month industry internship, running from May to August. My primary project involved integrating SR Research’s eye trackers with various EEG equipment in order to evaluate visual experiences and neural patterns together in naturalistic task settings. Over the past few months, I traveled back and forth to their site in Ottawa for training, and worked with various labs in Montreal and Kingston to detail a workflow that could be used as an industry standard for the optimal integration of eye tracking data and EEG brain activity.

It’s been amazing working with the company and I gained such a great deal of knowledge about their hardware since I was physically building and co-registering computers and equipment together. Their support staff and engineers are also the best in the business and I can’t sing their praises enough!

At the end of my internship, I wrote up a technical manual that details how to interface the eyetracker with various EEG systems and coded a few programs on MATLAB and Experiment Builder that could be used as example cases to test the system. SR Research is planning on eventually using this as part of their industry standard document on co-registration and I can’t wait to see the final project come together after months of hard work!
